Influencer Marketing 101

Influencer Marketing Knowledgebase depicted by a Notebook

Influencer Marketing 101


Five people celebrating their successful influencer marketing strategy
Chapter 1
4 min
Chapter 1 – Why is Influencer Marketing so Successful?
Why is Influencer Marketing so Successful? In recent years, influencer marketing has become one of the most effective strategies for brands to promote their products and services. However, the growing popularity of this marketing method raises the question: Why is influencer marketing so successful in the first place? In this article, we explore the factors […]
Chapter 2
3 min
People sitting in the office in a meeting discussing an influencer marketing plan
Chapter 2 – Is Influencer Marketing Even Suitable for Me and My Company?
Is Influencer Marketing Even Suitable for Me and My Company? In the fast-paced world of marketing, influencer marketing has developed into a successful strategy that is often considered indispensable. Especially for B2C, employer branding and recruiting, this form of marketing opens many doors to reach the desired target groups. Nevertheless, the decision to integrate influencer […]
Five people standing around a table in a meeting discussing an influencer marketing plan
Chapter 3
5 min
Chapter 3 – Which Influencer Strategy Is Best for My Business Goals?
Which Influencer Strategy Is Best for My Business Goals? Influencer advertising can take all kinds of forms, including collaborations with influencers for product placements or brand advertising, affiliate marketing to promote products via influential personalities or the use of influencer content on your own marketing channels to increase reach and credibility. But which influencer strategy […]
Three people working in the office
Chapter 4
7 min
Chapter 4 – What Are My Goals and Target Groups in Influencer Marketing – and How Can I Reach Them Effectively?
What Are My Goals and Target Groups in Influencer Marketing – and How Can I Reach Them Effectively? Influencer marketing allows you to reach a wide range of target audiences and goals that can be pursued both in the short and long term. If you don’t yet know which goals and target groups you can […]
An influencer recording a video
Chapter 5
7 min
Chapter 5 – How Do I Identify Influencers That Are a Perfect Fit for My Company and My Target Group?
How Do I Identify Influencers That Are a Perfect Fit for My Company and My Target Group? Influencers possess the unique ability to connect with millions of people on a personal level through social media, building a connection with them that goes beyond traditional advertising. As consumer attention is highly competitive and trust in traditional […]
Five people at the office discussing an influencer marketing plan
Chapter 6
7 min
Chapter 6 – Which KPIs Can Be Used to Determine the Most Suitable Influencers for My Campaign?
Which KPIs Can Be Used to Determine the Most Suitable Influencers for My Campaign? In influencer marketing, choosing the right influencers for your campaign is crucial. But how can you ensure that you choose those who perform well on social media platforms while also aligning with your target audience? The answer lies in using key […]
An influencer recording their latest video
Chapter 7
6 min
Chapter 7 – How can you effectively contact influencers?
How Can You Effectively Contact Influencers? Influencers are becoming increasingly important as intermediaries between companies and their target audience. Yet, as the influence of content creators grows, so does the difficulty for companies to approach them and establish a fruitful collaboration. Against this backdrop, it is essential to develop a well-thought-out strategy to successfully engage […]
People sitting in a meeting room working on an influencer marketing strategy
Chapter 8
5 min
Chapter 8 – How do you successfully negotiate contracts with influencers?
How do you successfully negotiate contracts with influencers? In influencer marketing, companies are faced with the challenge of fairly compensating influencers for their reach and connection to their community, while at the same time ensuring a profitable collaboration. As is so often the case in life and in all sub-disciplines of marketing: budgets are limited, […]
An influencer recording a make-up video
Chapter 9
5 min
Chapter 9 – How Do I Find out What Costs Are Appropriate for an Influencer?
How Do I Find out What Costs Are Appropriate for an Influencer? Determining the appropriate costs for influencers can be a tricky business, as there are no fixed rates that companies can adhere to. Negotiations with creators are highly individual and depend on a number of variables, e.g. their reach, the quality of their content, […]
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