Information in accordance with §5 of the E-Commerce Act (E-Commerce Gesetz), §14 of the Austrian Commercial Code (Unternehmensgesetzbuch), §63 of the Commercial Code (Handelgesetzbuch) and disclosure requirements under §25 of the Media Act (Mediengesetz).
weCreate Data GmbH
Obere Augartenstrasse 2/24,
1020 Vienna,
Object of the company: Marketing
VAT-Number: ATU73053839
Corporate register number: 482162m
Corporate register court: Vienna
Company location: Vienna
Phone: +49 40 85568029
Member of WKO
Laws re. professions / Trade regulation act:
Supervisory/Trade authority: Magistrat der Stadt Wien
Description of the activity: Marketing
Awarding Country: Austria
Chief executive: Johannes Ruisinger
Ownership structure:
Associate: Hashtag Deep 59,76%, Etruvian 40,24%
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